Friday, May 16, 2008

Haiku Stairs (Stairway To Heaven)

Hello Fellow Hawaii Dreamers,

Some of you might of heard of the famous "Stairway to Heaven" (aka The Haiku Stairs, or The Haiku Ladder) which are based on the island of Oahu. It is a set of 3,922 steps that take a hiker from the valley floor to the top of the mountain ridge some 2800 feet above sea level.

It is said to have some of the best views of the entire island. And the hike it supposed to be one of the best hidden gems of the Hawaiian Islands. Apparently it takes about an two hours to ascend and decend the stairs (plus the time you take to rest/take photos along the way).

The Haiku Stairs were orignially built for the US Navy's use back in 1943, to access a radio and communications building they built at the top of the mountain range (called the Haiku Valley Naval Radio Station). The Navy's radio station at the top of the stairs wasn't used for long after WWII ended.

When the Haiku Valley Naval Radio Station was decommissioned after the war it was briefly used by the United States Coast Guard in 1950s. Years of hikers and a lack of maintainence on the stairs saw them break down and weather away over the decades until it was offically closed to the public in 1987.

However, sometime in 2001 the government spent almost a million dollars rebuilding the steps for hikers to enjoy, but access and zoning issues between the City of Honolulu and the State of Hawaii has prevented the stairs from being re-opened to the public. Regardless, many hikers make the climb each day (although it is offically illegal and local cops will issue you a fine if you are caught trying to enter the stairs).

I have attached some photos of the stairs and I think they successfully illustrate what a true beauty the hike to the top would be. Have a look at these pictures guys:

I can only imagine how much fun hiking this would be. Hopefully I will get a chance to hike them someday in the not to distance future! If any of you have hiked the stairs I would love to hear about your experience!

Keep the dream alive....

Hawaiian Dream Home

Hello Fellow Hawaii Dreamers,

Just thought I would share with you all one of the best homes I have ever seen for sale in Hawaii. It is on the island of Oahu, which is the most populated island of the Hawaiian Islands, and home to Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, and the famous Waikiki Beach!
This home is in a special place on the island of Oahu called "Hawaii Loa Ridge". Hawaii Loa Ridge is a very wealthy, gated community built high-up into the side of the mountains of southeastern Oahu. It is about a 10 to 15 minute drive east of Waikiki Beach.

Now, it would take me about 50 lifetimes to come up with the money to purchase this home, but there is no crime in dreaming! :-)
Since a picture is worth a thousand words.....

This home is listed at approximately 13 million - yep, that's 13,000,000 USD.

But heck.... a man can dream! :-)

Hawaii Dreaming

Hello All,

Thanks for visiting my blog. My goal in creating this blog is to share with you some amazing things from my favorite place on Earth. I plan to use this blog as a gateway to show the world (or the very small, but hopefully loyal readers to-be) some of the amazing real estate and lifestyles that are afforded to the people who are lucky enough to live there.

I hope that your time spent at my blog is enjoyable. From time to time I have been known to offer my own unusual commentary on various issues, but as I am sure you will see, my opinions/viewpoints are mainly funny - for the most part.

Drop in from time to time and see what I have added! I enjoy communicating with people, so if you feel like dropping me a line about what you saw on my blog, I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by...